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Governor of Maharashtra

a brighter future.

255 300+ Children in
Maharashtra School
Welcome to Durgveer Pratishthan
The magnificent forts around Maharashtra have been a matter of pride for the states for centuries. Sadly enough, the preservation and restoration of these structures are not taken in to account seriously. Durgveer Pratisthan, a Mumbai-based NGO, has been working vigorously towards forts restoration since 2006. At the same time, it is striving for the development of the people and students of the villages around the fort.
* Durgveer Pratishthan is inspired by Shri Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ideology, Maharaj was the iconic hero and exemplary leader who built 360 forts and fought for Hindavi -Swaraj from external rulers
* If you say ‘society’ then all the people like you and us came in it. Every day we have to deal with the situation for some reason but man can get out of many such situations only because of education and situation are intertwined in one circle. Some cannot learn because there is no situation and their situation does not improve because there is no education. Today, Durgveer reaches out to the needy people who are unable to get education due to inadequate resource
The dream of Hindu self-government was made successful by the emperor “Chhatrpati Shivaji Maharaj” which was totally depended on the strength of the “Forts” which are getting neglected today. The ultimate golden history of the “Marathas” was created due the great sacrifice of these forts, with this incentive some of the Knights of The Emperor got united and took the era of preservation of these Forts and it finally forms “The Movement called “Durgveer Pratishthan”.
Durgveer Pratishthan (Mumbai) is the foundation for preservation and security of Forts. The Security and development of 9 forts which are the protector Forts of Raigad and inside the border of “Raigad” is done by this foundation. Also repairing, re-developing, Cleaning of water Storages, Cleaning of forts, Adding Information and “Directions Boards” is done on the forts such as “Surgad”, “Avachitgad”,” Mangad”. The Social initiatives such as donating stationaries to the students of the villages situated at the bottom of these forts are conducted by this foundation.
The dream of Hindu self-government was made successful by the emperor “Chhatrpati Shivaji Maharaj” which was totally depended on the strength of the “Forts” which are getting neglected today. The ultimate golden history of the “Marathas” was created due the great sacrifice of these forts, with this incentive some of the Knights of The Emperor got united and took the era of preservation of these Forts and it finally forms “The Movement called “Durgveer Pratishthan”.
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What People Say About Durgveer Pratishthan
“We’re curious, passionate, and committed to helping nonprofits learn and grow. Oh, and some of us are stage actors and worm farmers on the side.”

Ann Peterson
VOLUNTEER“Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend. Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere.”

Tony Olson
VOLUNTEER“Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Risus ultric tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor egestas congue auctor. Massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in.”

Jane Bryan
VOLUNTEER“At auctor urna nun id cursus metus convallis aliquam posuere eleifend. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla eleifend.”